“If you’re not happy with what you have, you’ll never be happy with what you get!”
We all want happiness, but often make the mistake of confusing happiness with success. Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get. As the Sages taught, Who is rich? The one who is happy with his lot (Avot 4:1). Happiness is not something that happens to us. It’s a decision we must make, and we can each be as happy as we decide to be.
Since our mandate on Sukkot is to be “completely joyous,” we are obliged to make that decision, which requires us to take a view on one of life’s great paradoxes: On the one hand, whoever you are, by virtue of being alive, your cup truly does “runneth over.” But on the other hand, you could always have a bigger cup. Choose to take pleasure in what you do have, and — voilà! — you’ve stumbled onto the secret of happiness. Choose instead to focus on the pursuit of a bigger cup, and you are forever left wanting.
"I don't cry for things that won't cry for me!"In Jewish tradition, there’s a saying that during our lifetimes we have three main friends — and when we die, they leave us in exactly the reverse order in which we treated them. No sooner does our soul leave our body, than all of our wealth flees with it as well. Families are more faithful. They walk with us after our passing to the cemetery, our final resting place. Then, they too leave us to go on with their lives. It is only our name, the good deeds we performed for others, and the influence we may have had upon them, that outlive us and offer us a share of immortality.
Strange then, isn’t it, that we spend most of our lives chasing after money, spending far less of our time than we should with our families, and spending so little of our efforts to accomplish those things by which we will be remembered!
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