Sunday, April 22, 2012

Why should we study our Hebraic Roots?

Having a comprehensive understanding ofthe Hebraic Roots of our faith is critical for Believers to have a mature and sound spiritual life. We have looked at the ancestral fathers of the faith We have considered Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and other key figures in the history of Israel. We know that each considered themselves a Hebrew. Their lives and experiences speak much to our spiritual condition today. 
We have just discovered how critical it is to recognize the Hebrew language and thenuances of studying it, since it is the language of the Tanach (Old Testament.
We have found out that the Messiah Yeshua was raised in a Torah observant environment, and obviously was Torah obedient without fault in order to become the blameless sacrifice for the sins of mankind.
We found out that the Apostles were also Torah observant, and that their writings reflect their obedience to the Torah within the First Century Judaism in which they were a part.
Now we look forward to delving deeper into understanding additional aspects of the Hebraic Roots of our faith. What aspects of your faith in Yeshua will be enlightened to perspectives that you have possibly not considered?
What aspects of your present belief system will be challenged? Are you eager to learn more and submit yourself to the authority of God's Word?

email: to register for this 8 week accredited class and if you contact TWSPBU before next Sabbath evening (Friday) I will submit you in the program with no charge otherwise class for this certification program is $50

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We believe that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are verbally and fully inspired by G-d, that they are inerrant in the original writings, and that they are of supreme and final authority in faith and life.
We believe that those who are born again possess two natures and that they may be victorious over the old through the power of the new, but that the eradication of the old nature is unscripted (?Rom 6:13)
We believe that the scriptures teach the eternal security of the believer. We reject the teaching that a public profession of faith in Jesus is license for sin. we further believe that evidence of a person's regeneration is manifested in those who keep his commandments and abide in Him (Eph 1:13-14 4:30
True Worshippers School of Prophets Biblical University is Accredited through BBB and recognized by the State of Florida department of State